Tuesday, February 10, 2009

40 Week Appointment

Well today is miss Georgia's due date and she still seems happy as can be in her mommies tummy!

Here are the stats:
Dilated: 2cm
Effacement: 80%
Station - 1
Blood Pressure: A little high
Sugars and Protein: N/A

So my membranes have officially been stripped THREE times in the last week... YUCK! And still no progress. So if Georgia doesn't come in the next few days... Friday (yes the 13th) we go in at 6am (don't they know I sleep in!) to be induced. YIKES!

Normally this wouldn't faze me but I'm a little scared as far was G's size goes. She's measuring on the big side and because this is my first baby my Dr says I have an uncertain pelvis, meaning she doesn't know how it will react to a big baby.

So here are the probabilities:
We go in get induced and she's born just fine!
Induced and her head is delivered but could have shoulder dysplasia (Not good).
Induced and labor doesn't progress and we go in for a C-Section.

So needless to say I'm a little nervous! It's nice to know now the "day" that she'll be here, but it's also a little scary not knowing how and what the delivery hold for both her and myself.

I know God has it under control but because she is so big there leave a lot of uncertainty of how things might go.

We'll bring the computer in hopes to keep the blog updated but can't promise anything!

We would greatly appreciate any prayers that John and I have peace during the whole induction and that both Georgia and I will continue to stay healthy and safe during the labor and delivery.

Thanks so much! We can't wait to share her with everyone!


Sisters Savings said...

You will definitely be in my prayers! Good Luck....

Leah said...

I will keep you in my prayers! I am excited for you!